I've prepped a ton of pages for the journal I'm using for the March 30 Days of Lists challenge {you can see them here}. Until March gets here, I'm using my altered book for list journaling and am following along with a couple of the prompts from the challenge hosted by Boho Berry over on IG that I saw on my friend Lea's IG.
About My Hometown
Most people pass through and don't even know it's a town, the only sign saying that you're in Walland, Tennessee is by the Post Office sign attached to the gas station + market...that is if you don't blink while you're zooming by. We have a fire department, are located next to a river, don't have a traffic light and the elementary school used to be the middle school which began as the high school...and my father-in-law, husband and all three kids have all attended that very same school.
My First Job
Technically my first job was at Rich Schwartz, in Nashville, when I was in 7th or 8th grade wrapping gifts for customers at Christmas. One time, I modeled a fur coat that a customer was purchasing for his wife. It was THE store that the rich and famous chose to shop. After that I worked at Wendy's through high school, making money to pay for gas and the extra clothes or goodies I wanted while saving for my flight to Germany once I graduated from high school. My Mom is German, so I planned a trip to visit, by myself, my family with side trips to Florence, Italy and Vienna, Austria.
A Challenge I've Overcome
All I can say is that if I had thought about what was before me, I don't know if I would have thought I could do it. But I did, we did {Zach and I} with the loving support of my Mom who sent us care packages and letters with gifts of cash and the "we're going to get this done" attitude of my friend and boss at the time.
Find out more about how I used the whole journaling card set, and how to get it for free, here. Or you can buy it here.
Five Years From Now
I used a correction tape runner to make journaling spots for my list.
Three Wishes
If I could just know that my kids feel fulfilled, are loved and loving human beings and content in their future lives, I would be ever so grateful. More crochet heart paper clips here.
When I Was Younger
A rude awakening, a rite of passage.
My Morning Routine
Well, at least the first 20 minutes of my morning.
Least Favorite Chore
Has been since I was sixteen, and still to this day, and it was my job to earn my allowance.
I'm Really Good At
I don't know where it comes from, but my family will ask me random questions or in everyday conversation something will come up, and the answer will pop into head and I know the answer. Weird, I know.
You can see more of my altered book list journaling and list related posts for inspiration and ideas.
So great! Love it!!