When I think of that same photo today, I realize that I shouldn't have been pointing a finger at anyone but myself. They don't know that I was pointing a finger at them, or maybe they do...who knows, but I know. We all deal with the curveballs life throws at us differently. I don't feel that my way is the best way, or the only way, or the right way, and I shouldn't expect any one else to feel that way either.
Today, I am thankful for time to reflect. For me. For them. For us all.
I document my thankfulness in my Gratitude Journal on a semi-regular basis. You heard me. Sure, I miss days and you might, too. And I have learned not to let it get in my way.
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paper. art. love. | since 2010
Gratitude Journals + Mini Books, Embellishment Kits + Supplies, Midori Notebooks and Printables at www.iloveitall.etsy.com