hello 2016

HELLO 2016, it's so nice to meet you.
And have I got plans for you, so watch out!

I don't make formal resolutions, but do have ideas in my head on things I want to improve upon. Or try. Or do. Or not do.
How about you? Resolutions...yes or no?


  1. No resolutions but plenty of aspirations.

    1. How wonderful to hear that you have aspirations, that's a great way to approach a new day and a new year. Best wishes for a lovely year, Kiwijo!

  2. No resolutions. I do like to pick one word to spend the year focusing on, but it's generally pretty open ended and applies to a bunch of areas of my life.

    1. I am dong the same. I chose Gratitude. Even though I journal in my Gratitude Journal, not every day, I tend to let me frustrations and feelings take over and forget to really focus on all that I have to be grateful for.

      Good luck, Mirna, in choosing a word to focus on. And here's to a wonderful 2016!


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