My little 30 Days of Lists book is chunking up with all the bits and baubles I'm using to create my daily entries. And it's not so little anymore.
Sometimes, I list just for that day. Sometimes, I list ahead a day or two. And sometimes I play catch up. I've even been known to change a list up a little bit if I'm not particularly fond of it...or if I'm not "feeling" it.
I'm adding this because I want you to know, if you ever decide to take a class, that there's no right or wrong way to do this. Don't let preconceived ideas hold you back. From anything. Just do it for the fun of it.
30 DAYS OF LISTS | December Edition
Day 8 | Things That Put Me In A Good Mood
find the manila envelopes here
Day 9 | People Who Influence Me
Day 10 | Favorite Recipes
find glassine envelopes and shipping tags here
Day 11 | Parts of My Life I Wish I Could Outsource
For this list, I used pop dots behind the chipboard element so that there was a space for me to tuck mu journaling inside.
Day 12 | Traditions I Love
Day 13 | Current Soundtrack
Day 14 | On My Nightstand
find the library cards here
Day 15 | Out My Window
Day 16 | Today I
Day 17 | On My Desk Today
Day 18 | Things to Cross of My List
Find Days 1 - 8 of the December 30 Lists journaling here.
Find Days 9 - 18 of my 30 Lists journal here.
Find Days 19 - 30 lists here.