49 lists | and the lists go on

In my last post, I went a little deeper into my purpose for creating 49 Lists.

49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

I've participated in listing challenges before and found them highly entertaining and fulfilling creatively, so it should really come as no surprise that I'm enjoying the creation of this mini album immensely.

Keep It Simple

That's today's mantra...keep it simple. I have been jotting down bits and pieces of lists while I have a few moments each day for quite a while, mostly during my wait in the school pick-up line, but occasionally in a few stolen moments lounging in bed. 

I found the easiest way to keep them in one place was to house them in my planner as I have that with me most often and I don't misplace it like I might a bits and scraps of paper or the cute notebook or ten I have lying around.

49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

Utilize Your Letter Stickers

I wanted to share with you how your everyday, have-them-in-every-color letter sticker can elevate a list topic and draw attention to what a specific topic or word or feeling or...

49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

It's not often Zach and I speak on the phone, mostly because he doesn't call me back, but I hear that's not uncommon for most 22-year olds. He IS doing better and I most definitely praise him and tell him how happy it makes me to hear from him every now and then!
49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

We really don't watch much television, and I'm sure there's a show or two I might be missing, but these are my current favorites. Not added here, because they are not favorites of mine, are the cajillion car shows on the Velocity channel I "watch" with Gordon. 

I trimmed the journaling card into a pennant shape, it was just a rectangle shape.
49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

Those who know me well would probably add more to this list, but this is all I'm admitting to right now.

49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

Obviously, I need much more practice with my doodling and lettering, but it's a start and it's something just for me. Everything takes time and practice, and I need to dedicate more of both to this class.

49 Lists | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com

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  1. Love your ideas & fun pages!
    You really inspire me to let loose

  2. Monica -- You mention a doodling class. Where did you find one? I would love a class like this!

    Mary Hunt in Charlotte :)

    1. Mary, head over to http://elviestudio.blogspot.com and check out her sidebar. She has lots of classes available. The one I am taking now is the Doodle Pages class, but I'd also like to take the lettering class. Have fun browsing her website and taking a class, too!


paper. art. love. | since 2010
Gratitude Journals + Mini Books, Embellishment Kits + Supplies, Midori Notebooks and Printables at www.iloveitall.etsy.com