Over the past few years, I've chosen words and had the full intention to document my feelings about the word and my journey with it, but never have fully completed the stories. Oh, I lived with my words each year and they meant something to me and it was always there, in my mind, in my heart and in how I related to the moments around me. Just never documented.
And I don't know that I ever will. Sometimes, I've found, it's okay to just be in the moment and live through our experiences without having to document every single step we take in life.
For 2014, I know for certain that I will dedicate one Sunday per month, during my regular Sunday Photos blog feature, to a quote referring to my one little word this year, dream. Here's the quote I shared for January. You may have already seen this on Instagram, here's where I added my one little word to my Gratitude Journal.
I found this sweet piece of handmade art for my 2013 word, embrace.
In 2012, I added a reminder to my Gratitude Journal and even began working on the one little word class I enrolled in at Big Picture Classes. Here's a post about my one little word be and I even made a bottle cap charm as a wearable reminder. And here are a few more art projects the girls helped me with.
My first year with a one little word, I chose the word joy. Just saying the word brings a smile to my face and somehow brings peace to me. It is as close to a perfect word to me as I can imagine. And we still decorate our home with this project each year at Christmas.
i really love the journal!