
By now, most of you know that I create Gratitude Journals. I sell them in my Etsy shop, and my version of the Gratitude Journal has been pinned to Pinterest thousands and thousands and thousands of times. It seems we are all on a quest to recognize, remember and record the small moments that are really the big moments, those things that we might take for granted if it were not four our grateful, thankful hearts. And I think we're all better for that.


All this got me to thinking. Why not take a moment each Thursday to take a photo of something that has made me be grateful for this day. I take so many photos in a day, so why not snap a pic of something I am grateful for as well? 

I invite you to drop by here on the blog each 4th Thursday of the month, you know because Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November each year here in the US. I'll share my photos for the month and a little something else...but you'll have to be here to find out what that little something else is.

I'm taking a photo today, of something I'm particularly gratful for, and sharing it to Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #thankfulthursday

Will you join me?

EDITED TO ADD | Here's my #thankfulthursday contribution for today. Read the story here.

#thankfulthursday | iloveitallwithmonikawright.com


paper. art. love. | since 2010
Gratitude Journals + Mini Books, Embellishment Kits + Supplies, Midori Notebooks and Printables at www.iloveitall.etsy.com