
Who knew that I would take so many photos with my iPhone and that I would love adding filters and posting them to Instagram?  In no particular order...

 view of the Smoky Mountains from the back porch of Papa's cabin

 back porch of Papa's cabin


 poser Mama

 favorite shoes {at the moment}

 rain on the windshield

 sisters and friends

bucket play on the steps has always been a favorite 

 art project, and it's not even 9am yet

doesn't remember his contract stating he would be wearing pink superhero capes & safety glasses

the Duke 

14 years of wedded bliss and happiness began on this bridge the day we said, "I Do"

page from my Smash book given to Gordon on our anniversary...also my Facebook cover photo 

remember when an ice cream cone and a stop at the playground made your day? 

Mommy Summer School under the sun umbrella

redbud blooms, my favorite tree 

where i work layout 

Zachi's home 

high Tech DaDa reading a bedtime story on the iPad 

okay, so how often are they going to do this dress-up thing to me?

got lucky with the sun it! 

and she learned to ride her bike without training wheels this Saturday! 

forgot my sunglasses on date night so I wore Gordon's, you can see his reflection in the lens 

on our way to school

 home sweet home

fog on the mountain 

 makes me smile

found a toy Papa played with as a kid in our yard 

Duke as a poser...when I get out the camera, he stops, sits and wants me to take a photo 

 see how they're holding hands?

 watering cans + gardening tools = helping Mommy plant seeds

 snuggle time with DaDa while watching a movie

reading the Smash mini book I made him for our Anniversary 

my Anniversary gift from Gordon


  1. These are such fun photos :) I love the "art project and it's not even 9am yet" ;) I hope to have an iphone soon! :)

  2. Ha! Love Spunky's little pose above! And I'm still going to scrapbook those two pictures of Scout!! And I have to ask -- how'd you get your instagram on your sidebar? I suppose I need to go to the IG website and read up on it, huh?! Thanks for sharing -- you take the best pictures!

  3. What a fabulous post Monika!!
    I was laughing out loud seeing Duke with the glasses and the pink cap!
    You're the best!!


  4. Monika, the pictures of Duke in dress up are HILARIOUS!!! I especially love the first one with him looking through the glasses! What a wonderful dog to patiently allow his girls to dress him up in PINK!
    Thanks for sharing.


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